Windows Vista

Uninstall Internet Explorer 9

To uninstall Internet Explorer 9

The following instructions apply to both Windows 7 and Windows Vista.

  1. Click the Start button Picture of the Start button, type Programs and Features in the search box, and then click View installed updates in the left pane.
  2. Under Uninstall an update, scroll down to the Microsoft Windowssection.
  3. Right-click Windows Internet Explorer 9, click Uninstall, and then, when prompted, click Yes.
  4. Click one of the following:
    • Restart now (to finish the process of uninstallingInternet Explorer 9, and restore the previous version ofInternet Explorer).
    • Restart later (to wait until you shut down or restart your computer).


After you uninstall Internet Explorer 9, the previously installed version of Internet Explorer will be available on your computer. It is not necessary to reinstall.